Discounts for the new website

Dear friends, as you may have noticed we have a brand new website after a major restyling. To celebrate this occasion we decided to have special discounts of 50% and 30% on our books until sunday 15

Alec Soth, Guy Tillim, Anders Petersen, Olivo Barbieri, Graciela Iturbide, Pieter Hugo, Tod Papageorge, David Farrell, Mark Cohen, Paolo Ventura shared our path with us, from 2003 until today.

By adding this coupon at the cart page, the 50% will be automatically deduced from the total cart on products in the categories Photobooks and Art&Galleries

(Note: If you added the books in the italian version of the website, please use a different code: #newsite50it )

By adding this coupon at the cart page, the 30% will be automatically deduced from the total cart on products in the categories Artist Books, Rare&Limited, Book+Print

(Note: If you added the books in the italian version of the website, please use a different code: #newsite30it )


2 replies on “Discounts for the new website

  • Tim Hyde

    What is the discount code if we are viewing the site in English? I am interested in a couple of books and would enjoy the website discount.

  • Punctum Press

    Hello Tim,

    The codes are:
    #newsite50 for 50% discounts on “Photobooks” and “Art&Galleries”
    #newsite30 for 30% discount on “Artist Books”, “Rare&Limited”, “Book+Print”

    Only people browsing the website in italian needs to add the “IT” suffix to the code. Sorry for the confusion.

    If you have any trouble please write us at and I will try to help you further

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Sconti per il nuovo sito!

Cari amici, come avrete notato abbiamo ristrutturato il sito donandogli una nuova veste grafica. Per celebrare con voi il nuovo sito abbiamo deciso di lanciare degli sconti speciali del 50% e del 30% che saranno attivi fino a domenica 15 marzo.


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